Thursday, March 22, 2007


This is what I can say of Stephen Abram's book Out Front with Stephen Abram: A Guide for Information Leaders (Chicago : ALA, 2007). I have just finished cataloging the book and intended to read it later but when I started reading the first article I just couldn't stop. (Frankly, for the first time I actually hoped I would miss my train on my way home home so I can read more but I arrived a couple of minutes early at the train station. However, I made use of the train ride and was able to finish the book in time for me to get off the train.)
The book is a compilation of Abram's post from his blog Stephen's Lighthouse, his articles from various publications, and live Power Point presentations. Credit for compiling, selecting, and editing Abram's works goes to Judith Seiss and Jonathan Lorig who deserve a round of applause for their efforts and for taking care not to leave out any type of library or library user. The duo organized the collection into four themes: advocacy, technology, communities and generations, and the future. Stephen's writings not only reflect his passion for the profession but he also challenges his readers to think and encourages them to communicate their thoughts and put them into action.
This is definitely a must-have for libraries and library schools and a must-read for librarians and information professionals and library and information science students. I strongly encourage colleagues in the Philippines, especially those concerned with professional development and continuing education, to get a copy of this book because the articles are a good source of topics for fora, seminars, etc.

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