Monday, January 09, 2006

A December to remember

December 2005 would be one unforgettable month for me. Reason: I had no househelp for the entire month. The Lord must have His reasons for leaving me without help on the busiest month of the year but I'm proud to say that I survived the ordeal!

I have received sympathetic messages from friends here and abroad about my plight but let me just give you an idea of what I went through last December.

My day started at 4:30 am fixing breakfast and baon for the four of us. An hour later I'd wake up the kids and had them ready for school. I usually ate my breakfast between 6:15 to 6:30 am. Breakfast later than these would have upset my schedule but thank God work is just a ten minute drive away.

I got on with my library duties with a one hour break at 11 a.m. never missing a 30-minute nap, which I badly needed. As soon as I got home around 5 pm, I just changed my clothes and prepared my kids some snacks because they always arrived very hungry. Then I decided what's for dinner and bring them out from the freezer. While waiting for the food to thaw, I sorted the day's laundry and soak the whites. I've become a sort of laundry expert all of a sudden. In fact, I've developed a fondness for our washing machine and the lotion.

I spend the next 30 minutes or so talking with the kids while tidying the house and washing the dishes. Never has time management meant more to me than this going through theses experiences.
Between 6 to 7 p.m., I prepared dinner and was over with it at 7:30 after which I wash the dishes and attend to the day's laundry. I was usually done with the laundry around 9 p.m. but only went to bed close to 10 pm.

This was just the domestic scene. At work, I was under a lot of pressure to come up with a production in a week's time excluding practices for our Christmas party where cash prizes were at stake. As a result of these hectic schedule I missed deadlines for Manila Bulletin, was not able to blog, and missed out on an early Christmas shopping. These totally zapped what little creative juices I had.

But, God rewarded me for my backbreaking work by giving us the 2nd prize in the Christmas party production and for letting me win a scholarship at the Center for Pop Music Philippines during the raffle and a couple of other prizes. (I'm sending my son, in case you're wondering. I have no intentions of taking on a singing career, thank you very much.)

In case you're wondering what happened to me for the rest of the Christmas vacation, we spent them at my parents house where they have two househelps. Just being practical.

And for completing the Simbang Gabi where I unceasingly prayed for Him to send me a househelp when He wanted to, God has sent me one as soon as we all went back to school. Faith works!

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