Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Making Time

It's a relief that the holidays are over and life hereabouts is slowing down. Now that the bigger kids are on school holidays, I've got extra hands to help me around the house and take care of the baby.

I was chatting with a former workmate from the Philippines last Thursday evening way into the wee hours of Friday in one of those rare times I get to use the Internet and she asked me when I was going back to work. When I told her it would not be in another 8 months, she said I was so lucky. "Na-ah". I told her adding that I was busier than ever doing simultaneous research on child development, home economics, community relations, and time management.

Amidst all these tasks I still have to give some time to myself and do stuff I loved doing before the baby came. And so even if it's already way past midnight I just had to give in to the urge of writing this post because not having done so for the past month has curtailed the flow of whatever creative juices I have left after the operation. Oh yes, blogging is my therapy where I am in a world of my own that's why I have to make time for it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a happy family.

Happy New Year, Peach! Please give my regards to the hubby. :) (Laki na ng mga Kuyas a.)

Zarah C. Gagatiga said...

OMG! look at your boys! ang lalaki na!