Thursday, June 07, 2007

We Got Stumped!

One of the activities we had for Library and Information Week was Stump-a-Librarian and we couldn't believe that we'd actually get stumped. Not once, but twice.

We received close to a dozen questions, including two philosophical and one completely unrelated to hospitality, tourism and culinary arts, and posted them with the answers on a board (pictured above).

However, the questions that had as stumped were:

The answer to the first question was Graham Cappoli. The teacher who asked this question was also the one who gave the answer. As for the second question, we were not quite sure if it was four or more as one of our librarians searched in various forums. For stumping us, they have won movie passes valid for one year.

We did have a lot of fun facing up to the challenge of answerign the questions going to great lenghts as borrowing a book from another library and actually renting a video. Which only goes to prove that the Internet does not hold all the answers to the world's questions.

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