Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A bout with boredom

The novelty of my position as AV lilbrarian is wearing off. I've been hit with the boredom bug. There really is some truth to the story I linked to in a pervious post and I'm currently recovering.

There is more to AV librarianship than just accepting and approving reservations for rooms and equipment and processing and cataloging AV materials. The core of AV/media center librarianship is providing consultation services to faculty and guidance services to students. But sadly, I have been stuck with the clerical functions of the job for the past several weeks and had very few moments when my expert advise was sought. So when one is stuck with the routines of a job, boredom sets in.

Our section is a busy one particularly in between periods because students come for their reservations and borrow equipment for their next class. The rest of the day is spent waiting for students and faculty to come with their questions and we've seen better days. I also spend time processing AV materials but unlike books, I have a very limited acquisition so I tend to finish technical work very fast. And though I love watching movies, it's a totally different experience when I'm watching a video that I'm evaluating for content so I can assign a subject to it especially when a movie or documentary can be used in a lot of context.

But over the past few days, I noticed I screwed up some of the reservations, which thanks to my guardian angels (and I'm not kidding) who saw me through each day of my boredom, were fixed without much trouble. Even my technicians can attest to this.

I have not fully recovered but I'm finding ways to make my work more interesting.

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