Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A day of library work for book theft

A college student was caught sneaking out a book from a library. Library theft at that school is considered a major offense punishable by suspension or expulsion. But how come the student who was caught red-handed with a stolen book got away with the act by serving a day's work at the library? To me, that was just a slap on the wrist.

Clearly, the punishment does not fit the crime. If every library offender was treated with kid gloves, what message does that send our students? That it's better to be caught stealing library materials or mutilating them than be caught smoking in uniform? And what is the implication of the punishment to the library? Students have continually tried to test the library's security system, and admittedly some have gotten away with them and that was one of those lucky times the library staff actually caught someone stealing and admitted to doing it.

I still can't believe this actually happened and am still in denial. Neither do I have answers to the questions I posed coz I'm still looking for answers. I hope I don't throw my hands up in surrender when something like this happens again. Or we might as well get rid of any security measures in the library.

Category: The Profession at Large

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