Friday, March 25, 2011

The red book

Three girls approached me at the info desk.

"We're looking for a book." said Girl 1.

"What's the code?" Girl 2 asked Girl 3. "I don't know", said Girl 3.

I walk up to them and asked what they were looking for. 

"It's a book on event management", said Girl 1. 

I went to the OPAC and made a search for books on event management - search results 50 titles. "Who's the author?", I asked them.

"I have no idea." Said Girl 1. As I was scrolling down the search results, their eyes glued to the screen, Girl 2 exclaims, "It's a red book!" (They were looking at the screen shots of book covers next to the titles.)

"Wait, wait. I'll go ask my friend." Said Girl 1.

"Don't worry about it!" Girl 1 told me from a distance. "My friend's got it!", then waves the book at me. 

The book's cover? Black.